Stellium display

Enter what you feel you would like to see implemented or changed in Kairon... your ideas will get implemented in some way or another, i will generally answer only to ask back, if something is not clear enough for my personal understanding... as my normal answer to feature requests is: "as soon as possible and thank you for your contribution" :)
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Stellium display

Post by kritikainanaliza »

Dear Kilian,

you did tremendous job with Kairon upgrades. Thank you also for accepting my request for dynamic thickness of aspect lines. The charts are much more readable now. And many thanks for oppositon/straight crossing line instead of old small triangle option.

But I preffered the old way of displaying planets symbols when they are many close together. I got close stelium of four planets in my birth chart and in the new version of Kairon it just does not look like stellium. I just cast a chart for a person who has 10 points in 8th house (many planets, node, Fortuna, Lilith...) but their symbols are spreaded all over 7th and 9th house so I had to do synastry to himself to see what is going on. The line from symbol to the degrees grid is just to thin (and thick would be ugly); so is it possible to have crowded cases the old way, please?

When planets are in conjunction they do not behave like they normaly do so they can also get "new" symbol. It is about the fusion of energies so I would preffer to have fused (and confused) symbols much more than nicely spreaded but visualy "wrong" layout. Let steliums be confusing as conjuctions always are.

Keep up your good work!
Wish you good health and lots of love!
Posts: 12
Joined: Thu Apr 14, 2005 5:27 pm

Post by rodsmith »


In the "defaults" tab in the preferences screen there is a "list positions" checkbox. If you uncheck this, it will display your charts with elegance again.

The only thing you lose with this option is the display of retrograde motion when applicable. (Obviously, the degrees are no longer noted on the radix either...)

Take Care

Posts: 13
Joined: Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:14 pm

Post by kritikainanaliza »

Hey Rod,

what a cool trick. Never occured to me to try this. Many thanks!

Best regards!
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