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Need Help for Kairon 3.53

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 5:02 pm
by saggitaire
From Saggitaire

Good Afternoon,

I am a french canadian from Montreal, Que. (Canada) so please excuse the mistakes for my english writing.

I had just register recently for Kairon (Mini License Private-ACS Mini Atlas).
I am trying to work with this new version of Kairon. (Kairon 3.53)

Before asking your help I visited the Kairon Online Tutorial, had read every thing, followed carefully the instructions and even printed it. I would not asking your help whithout having trying everything before.

Before, I was working with Kairon 2.19 AAF and all the asteroids were visible on the chart.
It was easy to go in Preferences /Objects Selection and activate the asteroids to be shown on the chart.

I am triying to do the same thing in Kairon 3.53 and I am not able to do it.
I went to Preferences / Points/P.+H. and I activitaded asteroids: Ceres, Palas, Vesta, Juno, Eros, Isis, Lilith, Hekat, and asked Apply.
But still I don't see them on the chart. I verified the Font and it is the good one: KaironSemiSerif.

On the Chart, I see the usual planets, and Chiron, the Vertex, North & South Nodes, True Lilith, ASC. and MC, but never the usual asteroids I asked for in the preferences.

Also, before in Kairon 2.9 the Point of Fortune, Astrology and Occultism were visible on the chart. like the usual asteroids, but I am not able to see them on the new chart I am working on (in Kairon 3.53).
To fix that, I went to Preferences / Points/Arab. and I activitaded Fortuna, Astrology (Douval), Occultism (Douval) and I asked Apply. But exactly like for the asteroids I still don't see them on the chart.

To be honnest, all the changes I ask in the Preferences are never applied. I tried to change colors of signs, colors of aspects. Really, nothing works, even I ask Apply changes and Apply and Save every time.

I would appreciate your help for thsee subjects.

I want also to know wy in the Interpretation, some texts are in german language (in the signs case, it is all in german). It is possible to change that in english ?

An another question: Is Kairon 3.53 is the last version ? If not, how do I upgrate it ?

Thank you very much.


Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 3:24 pm
by mehemptah
thank you for having a closer look at the tutorials.
when changes on your settings don't take effect, this is due to wrongly set permissions. Click here to read more about osX and Permissions and how to change them
If you wish changes to take effect, you must make sure that your items in Kairon's kPref folder all have read and write permissions, otherwise your macOS does not allow Kairon to save these settings.
Sometimes the permissions are set to read only, i don't know why, it never happened on any mac i used, but this forum states quite some examples of people who had this problem after installation of Kairon.

I answered your other questions. You must have received an email and a private message. Anyways, i copy paste the answer here again:

on language: in the prefs section, make sure you have the proper prefs file selected. (select prefs document in preferences > styles)
there is one for japanese, one for german and one for english.
if your mac is set to english, kairon normally installs with the english
prefs file as default.... but i never tried out a canadian mac.

whatever you find about textual interpretation is just an example.
the feature to have Kairon do textual interpretation is just for your own notes. It should ever be used just as a memorizer, not as a thing per se.
(exept if you wish to further deflate astrology).

i also told you about the version:
if you have an intel mac, then read the instructions at the website
there is a download for an intel or g5 enhanced binary
which is a lot faster on those mashines, but doesn't run on older macs

Thank you for your help

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:52 pm
by saggitaire
From Saggitaire

to Killian,

Thank you for your help about Kairon 3.53
I resolved all the problem about preferences not applying by looking Kairon Folder: Asking Information about the folder (permissions)

At the Item Group: staff was activated.
I change that to : admin (like the most of applications).
Immediatly, all the changes asking in the preferences of Kairon were applying.

I also bought the full private license with the complete Atlas. Every thing is working very well.

The only thing I don't know the utilitie is in Preferences- Defaults
follow rule of Illinois birth registation law
apply rule of Illinois to Pensylvania

The only thing I cannot change is the German language : the Signs are all writting in german. But is not very important I suppose.

I enjoy now very much Kairon 3.53. Thank you