Problem making intepretation text changes 'stick'

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George Orwell
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Problem making intepretation text changes 'stick'

Post by George Orwell »

Greetings all,

I've been trying to create a modifed interpretation text, but I can't make my changes 'stick' when I save them ...

So, for example, I'll try and insert amended text for Sun in the First House by ticking 'Sonne' and '1. Haus' and then typing or pasting in the text. I then save this modified text 'Textsammlung' via 'Create a New File'. - lets say I call this new new file 'splodge'

If I then close and re-open Kairon, go to interpretation, choose Textsammlung, drop down menu and choose 'splodge', then some of those changes will still be there but others not.

I'm using 3.5.12 on a mac, Mac OS 10.4.8

Is this just me? Is there a solution, or a workaround?

Thanks, George
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Post by mehemptah »

texts will save only after clicking the "Speichern" button, and they only are saved, if you have full permissions on the file to save. All texts you find there have been copy pasted and saved using the standard input fields. These texts are meant as an example only 8)
George Orwell
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Post by George Orwell »

MehemPtah wrote:texts will save only after clicking the "Speichern" button, and they only are saved, if you have full permissions on the file to save. All texts you find there have been copy pasted and saved using the standard input fields. These texts are meant as an example only 8)
Aha! ... all is clear ... I guessed that "Speichern" might be german for "Speak the text" out loud or somesuch, not save it! .... I shall try it out!
George Orwell
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Post by George Orwell »

I tried - but with no success.

This is what I have done to explore what is going wrong:

- checked read and write permissions for the folders where I am trying to save the document - I have read and write permissions

- I can create, open, change and save changes in this folder in documents created with other applications.

- I have transfered Kairon to a second computer, and still can't reliably save changes

I'm using OS 10.4.8.

If there is any other information that is needed to work out what is going wrong please let me know.
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Post by mehemptah »

it might perhaps be, that changing a document with another application might have confused Kairon. you might create a new text document with kairon and erase all in it exept:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCENGINE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
when you enter data from within Kairon, make sure before you click "Speichern" that you also deselected the checkbox or at least clicked the arrow to go to the next entry... this is because the new text is not yet in the heap unless you go to another entry. Only texts from the heap are saved by "Speichern".
I hope this should do now .. :-)
George Orwell
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Post by George Orwell »

Thanks - I'll try this and let you know the result, may be a few days ...
George Orwell
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Post by George Orwell »

Days go fast in Scotland :D

Thank you very much – that worked

What I think happened – for most of this time I wasn’t aware that ‘Speichern’ meant ‘save changes’, so was never clicking on that. Once I had read your response, I was clicking ‘Speichern’ but I tested this by directly selecting another file and switching back – so I was encountering the ‘heap’ issue, and the changes were not saved.

The use of other applications was not the cause – it was happening with files that had never been opened outside of Kairon, as also with those that had been opened with other applications

MY helpful(?) suggestions for a future update

Either change Speichern to ‘Save’ – or (my preference) get rid of the need to click Speichern, and automatically save any change once you move to another selection or another file. Instead allow recovery via the ‘undo’ menu, and if possible allow multiple undos (The logic is that ususally there will be no reason why you would not want to save the changes you have just made – very occasionally you might want to change your mind) And an ordinary user shouldn’t have to worry about the heap!

Have a default so that new files created are always virgin blank! (That was a helpful tip, - about how to create a blank text

Some questions,

a) mainly about English translations.

For the drop down menus on this ‘Interpretation’ page.

Under “Deutungstext:” (translation?)

First drop down menu. What is the difference between ‘Sonne’ and ‘Sun’ - both are on the drop down

Second drop down menu – House, not ‘Haus’ (English translation)

Third drop down meun – English translations

Fourth drop down menus – English translations for the aspects - this one is the most difficult to work out from the german

Fith drop down ok – is in English

Other translations on this page – Textsammlung, Gradsymbole.

b) use of styles – I have found it only possible to have one style for the entire text in the file. Making a change changes every line of every text entry – is this a feature or a bug? Note also that one result is that pasting text in from another application with a style will apply this to the whole text file – would be good to prevent this, or ask if you want the new style to be used/

c Pasting of pictures either in line with text, or as a background image under the entire text, for each entry would be a luxuary (and make for big files) but not essential!


(and the program is wonderful)

edit - now that I'm transferring text across to Kairon - I have notes on how to interpret progressed aspects between objects that I would like to be able to refer to - so, on my wish list, it would be useful to be able to enter this on the 'interpretations' page - a simple addition of 'Progressions' on the aspects drop-down would be great