Major Problems with Jaguar

This is the old FAQ vor Versions 3.0 - 3.5.12
For full support please download and install Kairon 3.6 and ask your questions into the new FAQ
Das ist das alte FAQ für Versionen 3.0-3.5.12
Für vollen Support bitte Kairon 3.6 herunterladen und installieren und Fragen dann ins neue FAQ für 3.6 posten. Eine Fortführung des alten FAQ würde hier nur verwirren.
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Major Problems with Jaguar

Post by poetwarrior »

I cannot open even the brand new download of Kairon with my brand new Mac Mini running Jaguar (OS 10.5) I'm sure it will take even more time to work out the bugs, which will give me time to purchase a new license for this version...if only it would work on my Mac Mini!

If I had anticipated this problem, I would not have upgraded to Jaguar so soon after starting the original OS (Tiger). Having been born in the Year of the Tiger, I should have stuck with what it came with. Silly's been years since my last new computer purchase. I still have Kairon running okay now on the older computer, but this is frustrating.

Any help would be most appreciated.

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Post by mehemptah »

Don't worry, Kairon works fine on 10.5, also on intel macs, no errors, no troubles ... but it never ran on Jaguar (10.2) though. Reinstalling of software allone is seldomly a good way, better trash your preferences before thinking of a reinstallation. You will find Kairon's pref in your private library in the preferences folder, its name is: com.Kairon.Kairon35_X.plist
just trash that file, see to it that Kairon is in the Applications folder (not in a subfolder etc) and that it stays there. Kairon needs Verdana, Times, and Kairon semiserif to start out with. You will find quite some questions and answers in this FAQ on installation matters, so if you don't get along with my short hints, have a look at the more detailled prior explanations in this matter. (I did a fresh installation on a friends iMac who has never had a copy of Kairon on it and it just installed and ran fine. I then tried out the enhanced version 3.55 (please, exactly follow the installation instructions) and it ran much, much faster... (3-4 times).
Take care and please, let me know how you are getting along with your installation!