horoscope of J.B. Morinus

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horoscope of J.B. Morinus

Post by shirii »

out or curiosity i entered the data of Morin's horoscope into Kairon and i keep getting the asc. as 18 Aries whereas all the printed examples show 28 Aries.
i am quite puzzled by this however i assume it must be my error but i cannot figure it out.
Feb 23 1583
8:28 AM
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Historical Charts

Post by mehemptah »

1583 there was no zone-time. Zone-time is something artificial, while old horoscopes were done using local time. so you need to switch from standard time (or whatever) to local time. The ACS-Atlas does this for you if you choose a location by city name, but given you enter your koordinates manually, the Atlas will not interfere.
(using local time you will get your 18° Aries)