Editing chart lists within a file

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Editing chart lists within a file

Post by wendyh »

I have created a few files now of different categories of charts and have been trying to edit them.

It seems that until the file has been saved *and* then closed and reopened, it's not posible to delete any charts from the list as the [-] button is greyed out.

Is this how the program is designed to work?
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Post by mehemptah »

The program is designed to work with filelists, please, have a look at the online tutorial, this shows you all about the main concepts.
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Post by wendyh »

I posted this question after going through the online tutorial and reading some bits several times over.

The tutorial gives the impression you can remove unwanted charts from the list within any one file once they've been added, but I'm finding that for new files you first have to save them, then close them, the reopen them again before the option to remove a chart from the list is no longer greyed out and unavailable. I was just wondering whether the program is meant to work that way?
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Post by mehemptah »
